Find the subcellular localisation of your long non-coding RNA of interest:
Search for your lncRNAs of interest and press GO to obtain the plots.
You can select at least 3 genes in both the search and reference inputs. If 3 are selected a high resolution screen is recommended.
LncATLAS displays the subcellular localisation for user-selected lncRNAs. Only GENCODE-annotated lncRNA genes are present, and may be accessed using their identifier (ENSG...) or official Gene Name. The localisation of your selected gene, or genes, will be displayed below for available cell types and cellular compartments. Please note that some plots display data for individual cell types, that may be selected using "Select a Cell Line" button.
This localisation is expressed in units of Relative Concentration Index (RCI) - a comparison of the concentration of a gene, per unit mass of RNA, between two cellular compartments. For more information about how this data was analysed, please consult the "About LncATLAS" tab above.
Raw data for individual genes, or all genes, may be accessed from the "Get Raw Data" tab above.
All plots may be downloaded using "Download Plot" buttons.
Note: In the next plot n
indicates the total number of genes in each group and m
the median RCI value per group. The group percentile corresponding to each gene is also displayed next to the gene point.
Note: The blue colouring of the inside area corresponds to the genes with more extreme values than the gene selected. This follows a visualisation purpose to help users see the position of their gene in the distribution.
Note: When 2 genes present similar values in both axis, one of them might get hidden to avoid problems in readability due to the overlap.
Note: Data for chromatin, nucleoplasm and nucleolus in this plot were obtained from a total RNA extraction contrary to the other figures that were obtained with a enriched polyA sample.
Note 2: In the plot n
indicates the total number of genes in each group. The group percentile corresponding to each gene is also displayed next to the gene point.
Enter in the box a list of ENSEMBL IDs, coding or non-coding to retrieve the raw values from our database.
Note that you should wait until a table below the line is generated to download the raw data.
LncATLAS is an easy to use web-based visualization tool to obtain useful information about expression localization of long non-coding class of RNAs. It is easy to use by just searching your lncRNA of interest in the search box. You can also use ENSEMBL gene IDs to select them. There are also some reference genes with a clear nuclear or cytoplasmatic expression profile. In some plots (3 and 4) you could also select the cell line from the dropdown menu to obtain a zoom into the distributions. Although many genes would have a similar profile among cell lines there might exist small changes. In lncATLAS we provide 6 charts that can be divided into 3 sections:
The 2 major alternative usages for lncATLAS are to download raw data for
a single selection of genes that can be done directly on the front page or
to download a specific data set from a list of gene IDs in a batch mode.
This second
feature is in the get raw data tab.
After entering the list a .csv
file with
the expression values from the selected genes will be generated.
In the input, gene IDs must be placed as a column.
In the main page, in the search box, you can enter at least 3 genes by the gene name and for the gene ID input. If more, only the first 3 will be considered.
The data used and displayed in lncATLAS is directly obtained from
GENCODE release (
). and is available through our web site in the
download all data button from get raw data panel.
The RCI or Relative Concentration Index has been calculated as follows:
$$ RCI = \log_{2} (\frac{Fraction_{i} \quad (RPKMs)}{Fraction_{j} \quad (RPKMs)}) $$
Being the fraction i the cytoplasm and j the nuclear one for CN
RCI shown in most plots. This changes for appropiate subnuclear and
subcytoplasmic fractions in the last plot from the K562 cell line.
Our intention in representing the subcellular localisation with the RCI is
to give a value that represents how more concentrated is a particular
gene in one fraction compared to another. It's a flexible approach that
permits to compare individual genes easily.
All the subcellular compartiments available are shown in the
following diagram.
This project has been carried out by
Rory Johnson's Lab
in the Department of Clinical Research (DCR) of the University of Bern and
Roderic Guigo's Lab
in the
Centre for Genomic Regulation
at Barcelona.
If you have questions or need further information please open an issue in our github repository.
If you find lncATLAS useful for your research please cite our paper.
Mas-Ponte D, Carlevaro-Fita J, Palumbo E, Pulido TH, Guigo R, Johnson R. LncATLAS database for subcellular localization of long noncoding RNAs. Rna. 2017 Jul 1;23(7):1080-7.
You are free to use any of the generated outputs from this web-site if
cited appropriately. This site plots are under the
CC BY 4.0 license